Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Internet Guru secrets revealed

While many people will say "I understand your frustration with internet marketing", I really do. I have tried many of the items promoted by the gurus (people who are millionaires because they rip other people off). None of them work. For instance in the "easy" pay per click industry I was down $200 before I ever knew what happened. DON'T DO PAY PER CLICK RIGHT AWAY!!!!! Others on this thread will try to sell you their products, and I am sure they are fine, but if you want to make money online and have pretty much exhausted your bank account, you need to check out this website

Here is what separates Google Black Book from any of the other ones on the web: Click Through Rate: Using this product, I have an 85% CTR! My pay per click accounts were around 15% and I don't pay a dime with this program. Customer Service: Once you join, if you ever get lost (which I did) all you have to do is send them an e mail with the subject of HELP and a phone number and a real ENGLISH SPEAKING person will call you! Also, Ben (the guy who created it) actually cares about the customer. He will return e mails if you need to talk to him. The other difference is the money back guarantee of 8 weeks. That is a LONG time to try a product. No, it is NOT free! It currently costs $77.00 (that will go up soon, I am not just saying that either!) If you can't afford the payment, you are probably not ready to start internet marketing. Although, I will tell you 95% of the concepts in the e book cost NOTHING! It is not a quick process. It takes time at the onset. If you don't have the time to do it, again, don't even look at the program.

I will take it one further. The name you see below is my real name. I am a real person just like you! If you decide to join the Google Black Book program, e mail me at and I will jump start you with a couple of branch off money making ideas to generate funds faster. I will need proof of purchase so I don't get bombed with e mail from people trying to get something for free. The item/product number as is shows up on your receipt and the name of the company that distributes the Google Black Book. I will seriously e mail you back within 24 hours. If I don't - return it because I am a liar!! I hope you give it a try. It can really make money for you if you follow the outline.

Best of luck!

Eric VanNostran

About the Author
I am a teacher in Northeast Ohio with a wife and 3 kids. I have two jobs; one as an educator and one in online marketing. Read my article to find my success story.

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